When kitting out your distillery with new brewery boilers, there are several factors you'll need to keep in mind before you buy. For example, it's crucial that your boilers can accommodate the right beer volume for your production chain. You'll want to take elements like energy efficiency and safety into account too. Alongside these, one of the most important factors to keep in mind is size. If you don't get a boiler with the right measurements, it won't fit into your distillery room, making it completely useless. In particular, here are four measurements to look at when choosing new boilers.

1. Height 

The height of your chosen boiler is one of the first measurements you should check. After all, if the boiler is too tall, it won't fit in your room. Conversely, if it's too short, you won't be using your space to its maximum, and you may slow down your production process. When looking at height measurements, make sure the specifications include the height of the piping too—not just the boiler cylinder itself.

2. Diameter

As well as height, you should also check the diameter of your boiler. Naturally, you'll want to compare the width of the boiler to the width of the space you want to keep it in, making sure to account for how many boilers you'd like to fit into the room. That aside, don't forget to compare the measurement to the width of your doors too. You'll need to get the boiler into your distillery room once it's purchased, so make sure it'll fit through the opening. This is particularly important for startup distilleries working with smaller spaces.

3. Flue outlet

The flue outlet is the pipe that lets steam and any other gases escape from your brewery boiler. All boilers have different flue outlet heights and lengths, so not all of them will work for your distillery. Make sure to take a look at the placement of your existing chimney system (or take into account creating a new one) when looking at flue outlet measurements.

4. Feedwater inlet

Finally, check the feedwater inlet measurements. As the name suggests, in a brewery boiler, the feedwater inlet is the pipe (or other openings) through which water is fed. You'll need to make sure the position of the inlet matches up with the placement of your water dispensary system. On larger boilers, the inlet is usually placed higher off the ground, which may not be ideal in smaller breweries. 

To learn more, contact a company like East Coast Steam.
